Demo Subsites of Bootstrap 4: Animation, Resposvie Mobile, Carousel, Bilingual Sites and more.

Subsite anyar
Wong Business (Subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Anyar v2.1.

Subsite bethany
Wong 2nd Business (subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Bethany v2.1.

Subsite delicious
Wong Favirate Food (Subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Delious v2.1.

Subsite flexor
Wong Services (Subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Flexor v2.2.

Subsite knight
Wong Studios (Subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Knight v2.1.

Subsite restaurantly
Deicious Restaurant (Subsite)

PHP 7, jQuery v3.5 (Pkg: Easing, Sticky, Waypoints, Counterup, isotope, Venobox), Bootstrap v4.5, IcoFont V1.0, Remix Icon v2.5, Owl Carousel v2.3, PHP Email Form Validation v2.0, Isotope PACKAGED v3., AOS JS V2.3, Restaurantly v1.1.


Demo Pages of YouTube Videos

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Gung Wang

He is a Senior Developer & Drupal Expert and has more than 10 years experiences in the area of Web Development and Software Engineering. He is a Drupal 8 Certified Front-end Specialist, Certified Developer, and Site Builder.

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Bioinformatics · DNA · mRNA · Protein

Provide a JavaScript-Based Bioinformatics Tool to Convert DNA, mRNA and Protein Sequences.Implement on JavaScript, HTML 5, SASS/CSS, Bootstrap 4 framework, JQuery framework.

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Host Drupal 8 Website on Home PC

How to host Domain on Home PC for Drupal 8 site? Set up domain pointing to home PC's IP on Godaddy; Set up VHost and open internal IP and Ports on the home network Router Admin UI; Build locol web server.

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Build Poll Application on Drupal 8

How to Build a Poll App on my Drupal 8 sote? Install and Set up the Poll module, implement the SASS code and jQuery code.

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Teamwork with GIT & Sync Config on Drupal 8

How to avoid Code Overriding on Drupal config files: GIT, Drush cex/cim, Composer update, Synchronize Configes, git merge)?

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Use Domain, BVG & Context modules on Drupal 8

How to Use the Domain, BVG & Context Modules to set up Multiple Domains and Subdomains on Drupal 8 Site?

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Set up Advanced Solr Search on Drupal 8

How to Install and Set up Solr Server on Home PC? How to install Solr module and and setup Indexing Service on Drupal 8? How to build a View for Solr search?

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Build Ubuntu Linux Server on VMware VM

How to Install and setup Linux Ubuntu 18 on VMware VM? How to Build a Web Server on Apache, PHP, MariaDB & Drupal 8 on the VMWare Linux?

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Build Drupal 8 Module from Scratch

How to design and implement a custom module of Drupal 8: Retrieving Geographic data and information by custom IP address; providing visitors a UI to change GEO lodation data.


YouTube Video List: Building Dyanimc Responsive Website on Bootstrap 4